I Love Writing Wiki

Okay! So I was talking to Bloody two days ago, and I got this idea to make a writing contest. Far as I know, none are on, so I think it's all good.

Now, I have a few guidelines about this story you write.


I'm not picky, but seriously.

This story MUST be based upon one of the following things.

The Hunger Games

Harry Potter

Percy Jackson


or Doctor Who

I tried to pick some really big popular topics.

Also, the story needs to be between 10 and 20 chapters. It's fine to go like one or two over, but if it's over 25, then no.

Please include SOME kind of blood or gore. Brighty thinks it makes for a good story.

If you are entering, then you have to be committed to writing it. You can't just stop. I may consider letting you have a little more time, if like, someone in your family died, but if it's just school, then no.

Important Dates

The contest starts on May 15th. I will not except any entries after that date. You may start writing before May 15th.

The Deadline is June 15th at 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time


I bet this was what you're looking forward to.

1st) You get a special picture of 3 characters in your story, bragging rights, and a main character based of you in my upcoming story Evil Secrets.

2nd) You get a special drawing of the main character or one of them, bragging rights, and a supporting character in Evil Secrets

3rd) You get bragging rights and a minor character in Evil Secrets. And a hug. But's it's optional.

All participants

You all get a mention for competing, and a hug. if you want one.


Bloody- with The Last Warrior

Lily- with Pawsteps

Tawny- with Last One Standing

Shimmer- withFinal Breath (Which has to be approved, considering the page is already made)
